Proximal Humerus Fracture Treatment

The options for treatment of any proximal humerus fracture include non-operative and operative alternatives.  Non-operative treatment consists of immobilization of the shoulder and arm in a sling for two to six weeks, followed by physical therapy for three to six months, depending on the fracture pattern.  Operative treatment includes closed or open reduction of the fracture, with internal fixation using various implants including pins, sutures, plates & screws or in certain cases, intra-medullary rods and screws followed by sling immobilization and physical therapy for three to six months.  The choice of operative or non-operative treatment depends on a careful analysis of the fracture pattern, and a thoughtful discussion with the patient/family of the treatment alternatives, to allow for shared decision-making to arrive at the best choice for each patient.  

Proximal humerus fracture medical expert witness specialties include orthopaedic surgery, pediatric orthopaedic surgery, and radiology.

IF YOU NEED A Proximal Humerus Fracture Treatment MEDICAL EXPERT, CALL MEDILEX AT (212) 234-1999.