temporal lobe mass lesions

Patients with temporal lobe mass lesions (including hematomas) are very prone to rapid, unpredictable, deterioration of their neurological condition. This is an extremely well-established neurosurgical principle. Because of this unpredictability and the potential seriousness of such deterioration, it is the neurosurgeon’s obligation and duty to evaluate and treat a patient with this diagnosis as soon as possible. When a patient’s neurological condition deteriorates, an acceptable outcome becomes very rare. 

Temporal lobe mass lesions medical expert witness specialties include neurosurgery, neurology, cognitive neurology, pathology, neuropathology, forensic pathology, radiology, neurointervention, pediatric neurology, emergency medicine, emergency nursing, critical care, pediatric critical care, and neuroradiology.

IF YOU NEED A temporal lobe mass lesion MEDICAL EXPERT, CALL MEDILEX AT (212) 234-1999.